My latest dating adventure has me pretty convinced- there are no decent guys my age left out there. The good news is, in case I forgot to mention it, my career woes are no longer. I found another teaching job, at a school much better than where I am currently teaching (and trust me, I …
The Super Ex
Since my break up with Mr. Almost-Perfect, I’m still single, and I’ve decided I want to take a little break from guys for a while; however, that didn’t stop me from seeing a blast from my past. I’m almost afraid to tell everyone about this encounter, especially since I’m going to see some of my …
Mr. Almost-Perfect Part 4- the end
I wanted to go somewhere for spring break, traveling is absolutely my favorite thing to do, and my friends had bailed on me, so Mr. Almost-Perfect had the initial idea what we go somewhere together. He was on a super tight budget, and wanted to go camping- and I mean for real outdoors, just us …
Mr. Almost-Perfect part 3 (no more Mr. Almost-Perfect guy)
So my seemingly almost-perfect boyfriend still had his nice moments, even though we were starting to struggle. For his birthday, we spent the whole day together, going to breakfast in the morning, and when I asked him what he wanted to do for the day, my treat, he just wanted to chill at home with …
Mr. Almost-Perfect part deux
This is not a love story, no happy ending here. I’ll just go so far to say that Mr. Almost-Perfect is anything but, though he did give me lots of great material. Our seemingly perfect relationship was going so well during the first couple weeks. I even had moments when I thought “wow, I’m not …
Mr. Almost-Perfect, Part 1
Hello dear readers, and again I must apologize for my time away from this blog that I really do love. I’ve been hiding out because I’ve been in a relationship for about two months now, and I was afraid that writing about this relationship would be the kiss of death, but that seems to …
Bad Date Memories
Well, my adoring public (I wish), it’s been awhile since I have written, and for that I apologize. Life got a bit chaotic, and I wasn’t expecting it. It started with my cleanse, where for three weeks of my life I gave up eating sweets, dairy, wheat products, meat, alcohol and caffeine, which is …
Who Needs Muscles Anyways?
Muscles aren’t that great, right? I say this because, as I’m sure you can guess, there is no more Mr. Muscles. The cursed fourth date! I went over to Mr. Muscles house this week after a long night of school with parent teacher conferences, and we attempted to hang a chill night and watch …
Mr. Muscles
This week I had a first and second date with a new guy. Funny thing is, he has the exact same name as the last guy I was really crazy about (I guess I don’t have to worry about calling him the wrong name like I did with The Accountant), he’s the same height, …
The (Dull) Gigantor Accountant
Wednesday I had my fourth date with The Gigantor Accountant. Our third date went really well so I was really looking forward to it all week. All of our dates have been good, not amazing, but building potential for sure. However, I now realize what all those dates had in common; drinking- lots of …