
Mr. Muscles


This week I had a first and second date with a new guy.  Funny thing is, he has the exact same name as the last guy I was really crazy about (I guess I don’t have to worry about calling him the wrong name like I did with The Accountant), he’s the same height, he has a shaved head, tattoos, has the same body type, and is really into working out.  In fact, he’s a personal trainer, which means his body is real, real nice.  I could get used to this.
                                               (Not my Mr. Muscles- but I’d take it!)


I met Mr. Muscles online (I am no longer on the website, because who knew that the online dating scene would be so much work!), he was another guy I’d been talking to since I first started my dating quest. He sent me an email soon after I had signed up, and after checking out his profile, I really thought he seemed familiar.  When I asked him about this, he agreed that we may had talked previously, and after investigation, we realized we had originally talked 3 years previously, and had exchanged tons of emails and even became Facebook friends for a while. However, we never met up because we both got into relationships with other people.  And this time around has been very slow as well, lots of exchanging emails, which later turned into lots of texts. But he’s been a constant the past month and a half, never going more than a few days without hearing from him, though he never made a move and asked me to hang out.  And then, a couple weeks ago, after another really awful day at school, Mr. Muscles texted me, and when I told him about having had a bad day, he didn’t say “oookaaaaaay”, but said everything perfect thing to cheer me up.  That’s when I finally asked him if we were going to just be texting buddies forever or if we were finally going to meet up in real life, it had been several years after all. He told me he was going to the Funny Bone that night with friends, and asked me I should join him.  I declined because I wasn’t sure if he was just asking me because I forced the issue, and I didn’t want to have to meet him with all his friends around, that would be totally awkward I thought. Then, last weekend he asked me to meet him out at BW’s, but he was with friends.  I again had to explain to him that I thought it would be really weird to meet up with him when his friends are there.  He said he didn’t understand why, but in my opinion, it’s awkward enough to meet someone in real life for the first time; you never know what they are really going to be like (I always worry that they won’t even be recognizable to me from their pictures), and with friends, that’s at least double the people who are going to be judging you! Especially if you don’t hit it off! Plus, you wouldn’t have all their attention so I just thought overall it wouldn’t be a good idea.


So, this Monday, we finally got to meet up.  Mr. Muscles lives right down the street from my school, so we met at 4:30 for some margaritas.  He looked exactly like I thought he would I’m happy to report, and we had a great time.  Before I knew it, it was 9:30 and we hadn’t stopped talking the whole time.  Before I arrived home he had texted me and told me I looked cuter than my pictures and my personality made me even cuter- always a good thing to hear!  I have to admit I was really intimidated to meet him because of the fact that he’s a personal trainer, it’s not like I’m the most fit person ever, I was afraid I would be judged, and though he did give me a hard time about being a vegetarian (because he’s says it’s unhealthy, which is like the craziest thing I’ve ever heard of- and he’s the one that wanted to order queso- that’s unhealthy!) I didn’t feel judged at all, all that worrying for nothing.


So, the first interview went so well that we agreed to meet for a date that weekend.  We met Saturday night at the outdoor shopping complex close to where we live, but the problem is it’s also close to where I work.  I teach at a middle school, and before I even got to where Mr. Muscles and I had agreed to meet up, I saw two of my students.  And then I saw him, and he looked so good.  I’m a fashion girl, I love a guy who dresses nice, but for some reason, one of my favorite looks on a guy is when he wears a long-sleeved shirt with a t-shirt over top, just shows off their arms even more.  Simmer down girl, back to topic; we walked around for a while just talking, and I had to dodge several more of my students, so much so that I wanted to go into a bar just to avoid seeing them, since that was maybe the only place they wouldn’t be.  After a couple drinks, we decided to go get some food, and you guessed it, ran into 5 more students.  I could just hear all the students asking me about the guy I was with at school on Monday, so I told him I had to get out of there, and we decided to drive somewhere else for dinner.  We ended up going to a pub nearby and shared our dinner, and met a lady who was sitting next to us at the bar.  She was visiting from Vegas, and assumed that Mr. Muscles and I had been together for a long time, so we played it up, making up stories about our life together, and I even gave him the nickname ‘sugarlips’.  Not that I knew, but later that night, when we went to his house to watch a movie, did I find out that it was true and the nickname was fitting ; )


So, a successful first two dates (or interview and date), and hopefully there will be more to come.  Though this is the part of dating I start to hate, when you wonder if they are feeling you like you are with them, how much to text, when to make the next plans….but I’ll just take it a day at a time, and see if this is a guy who wants to be Catching Katie.

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous says:

    Glad this date was more than \”oookkkkaaaayyyy\” 🙂

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