
Mr. Muscles

  This week I had a first and second date with a new guy.  Funny thing is, he has the exact same name as the last guy I was really crazy about (I guess I don’t have to worry about calling him the wrong name like I did with The Accountant), he’s the same height, …


The Accountant

  Not wanting to sit around and mope about the failed attempt at a relationship with Josh (who I haven’t heard from at all by the way- much to my surprise and, might I even admit, a bit of disappointment), I decided to make up from my avoidance of all things men last week, and …



  Isn’t it crazy how the world works?  Here I am, thinking that I’m going take some time meeting guys from the Internet (“the free one??? But what are the quality of guys like on there if they don’t even want to pay to meet the right girl?” my friends have asked disdainfully; and, while …